Ability Beyond Boundries Logo

Ability Beyond Boundaries

فراسوی محدودیت


The ABB’s wellbeing of staff and customers is the main priority.

During the Covid-19 pandemic, those staff, volunteers and visitors who are unwell are excluded to attend at work in person. If any worker or volunteer or visitors are unwell, they are not allowed to enter the ABB’s work premises.

ABB Provides its staff and volunteers with information and training on COVID-19, including when to get tested, physical distancing and cleaning, wearing masks, and how to manage a sick visitor.

We hold a monthly meeting with our regular workers and volunteers to discuss the updated information and if required, we provide training on the Covid-19 including how to get tested, maintaining social distance and wearing masks.

ABB Makes staff aware of their leave entitlements if they are sick or required to self-isolate.

ABB's website is designed for information provision regarding disability awareness.

Whether someone has a relevant suggestion, they can subscribe and write their comments. Our social media is public, but the posts are checked constantly. The venue entry is only permitted with prior bookings, conditioned to have no symptoms of cold, fever and Covid.

Physical distancing

ABB Uses telephone or video platforms for essential staff meetings where practical. We often utilise Zoom, Email and phone for our meetings.

Hygiene and cleaning

ABB Adopts good hand hygiene practices. Upon entry sanitiser is available and is mandatory to apply. There are some bottles of sanitisers around the premise making it easy to put on. Information is provided upon entry.

Record keeping

ABB Keeps a record of the name, contact number and entry time for all staff, volunteers, visitors and contractors for a period of at least 28 days. Contact details are collected for each person using a QR Code.