Ability Beyond Boundaries will be running a series of creative, community connection activities for community members with all abilities. These fortnightly social events will commence on Tuesday October 4th, 2022, and will continue in accordance with demand.
The program includes facilitated peer discussions, dance, music, and arts.
Refreshments and a BBQ lunch is provided.
Each day is divided into three sessions lasting 2 hours each, and participants can choose to attend one or more of these sessions.
When: 10am to 4pm.
Where: Auburn Community Centre
44A Macquarie Rd, Auburn NSW
(Fully accessible venue)
For bookings or enquiries call us on 0492 989 934 or email info@abilitybeyondboundaries.com.au
Price: Individual participation is $25 per hour
($34/hour if you’re bringing a companion or support person).
NDIS participants may be eligible to cover this cost through their funding package.
For those who prefer to make their transactions through Paypal, please use the following email address: abilitybeyondboundaries@gmail.com
Website © Ability Beyond Boundaries 2016-2022. All rights reserved.
ABB’s services are available Sydney-wide, meeting the needs of community members in all areas.